Online password, if you use one of these, please change it!

Dont use bad passwords

If you use one of the most common passwords, you’re an easy target for hackers. Here’s how to stay safe.

Everyone has this issue; if you sign up for a new account online, you must create a username and password.  This one needs one capital, one lowercase, and one symbol, but not !,  your firstborn, pat your head and spin in a circle while typing.  So, you create a password that you will ultimately forget, but your browser will save it, so you are good until you want to log in to another computer.  So, you create the most accessible password the system will allow you to use.

Not so fast! Suppose a password is frequently reused or easy to guess. In that case, bad actors can more easily access email, banking, and social media accounts, resulting in identity theft and financial loss.

Easy-to-remember passwords are convenient, but their potential downsides can be devastating. A weak and predictable password is easy to crack. Hackers may use software that guesses the most common passwords, and other freely available tools on the dark web (a hidden part of the internet notorious for criminal activity) may comb through your social media profiles to look for important names and dates that are likely to appear in your password.

The importance of selecting solid passwords is evident, right? It begs the question: What is the most common password in the world? After all, if you know hackers’ first guess, you can avoid it at all costs.

The most recent list of passwords from NordPass ranks these as the most common in the world:

  1. 123456
  2. admin
  3. 12345678
  4. 123456789
  5. 1234
  6. 12345
  7. password
  8. 123
  9. Aa123456
  10. 1234567890
  11. 1234567
  12. 123123
  13. 111111
  14. Password
  15. 12345678910
  16. 000000
  17. admin123
  18. 1111
  19. P@ssw0rd
  20. root
  21. 654321
  22. qwerty
  23. Pass@123
  24. 112233
  25. 102030
  26. ubnt
  27. abc123
  28. Aa@123456
  29. abcd1234
  30. 1q2w3e4r
  31. 123321
  32. qwertyuiop
  33. 87654321
  34. 987654321
  35. Eliska81
  36. 123123123
  37. 11223344
  38. 0987654321
  39. demo
  40. 12341234
  41. qwerty123
  42. Admin@123
  43. 1q2w3e4r5t
  44. 11111111
  45. pass
  46. Demo@123
  47. azerty
  48. admintelecom
  49. Admin
  50. 123meklozed

NordPass also looked at password use by location, determining that these are the most common passwords used in the United States:

  1. 123456
  2. password
  3. admin
  4. 1234
  6. 12345678
  7. 123456789
  8. 12345
  9. abc123
  10. Password
  11. Password1
  12. password1
  13. 12345678910
  14. 1q2w3e4r
  15. 1234567
  16. shitbird
  17. 1234567890
  18. 123123
  19. reset
  20. qwerty

Are your passwords on these lists? It’s time to change them. Using one of the above is a massive password mistake, and hackers are waiting for you to make it.